Register at the hotel before you arrive and check in online. This will save you a lot of time for the really important things!

There are good reasons to check in online:

  • No waiting times at reception    
  • Quickly checked in with just a few clicks, from wherever you are
  • Your personal data is transmitted correctly and securely
  • No more tedious handwritten filling in of forms
  • The Helloguest app turns your smartphone into a room key
  • Other services such as online payment and check-out

You have two options: via the Helloguest app or at the terminal in the lobby. It's as simple as this:  

Self Check in Mobile


Download the App from the Apple or Androide store.

Log in

Log in to the Check-In App with your email address and pass-

word (min. 8 characters).

Note: If you do not have an account yet, continue with step 3.

Self Check in Mobile
Self Check in Mobile

Create account

Create a guest account with name,gender, birthday, e-mail address and password (min. 8 characters) in the Check-InApp. Finally, please accept the terms of use.

Search for Hotel

Search for your host in the hotel search.

Self Check in Mobile
Self Check in Mobile


Add your reservation by entering your name and your arrival date. If the reservation cannot be clearly, please use the„Advanced search function“.

Check your registration data

If data is not yet available, please complete them and sign digitally with your finger.

Self Check in Mobile
Self Check in Mobile

Credit card details

Please enter your credit card details for the payment and indicate the billing address so that the invoice can be issued correctly.

Check your registration data

Your digital room key is now generated and available to you.With this key, all necessary accesses can be opened. Please follow the instructions within the Check-In App.If necessary, you have the possibility at any time, at the terminal in the lobby, to create a replacement card, indicating the name and room number.

Self Check in Mobile
Self Check in Mobile


Start the Check-Out process. All outstanding balances will be displayed and must be paid by credit card in order to be able to complete the Check-Out.


After successful Check-Out

you will receive the invoice either by e-mail or directly in the Check-In App as a PDF.

Self Check in Mobile

Für Rückfragen stehen wir gerne telefonisch unter

040 376960von 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr Uhr zur Verfügung.

Self Check in System


Go to the station and click on the Check-In tile.

Reservation Details

Search with your last name and arrival date for your reservation. If the reservation cannot be found, please use the  “Advanced search“ function. 

Self Check in System
Self Check in System


Fill in the registration form data and sign it with your finger. If there are any other travellers with you, please fill in the the following form for them as well. A maximum of two persons will be asked.

Pay outstanding balance

To pay your outstanding balance, select a billing address and  pay the outstanding amount with your EC or credit card.

Self Check in System

Enter email for invoice

The invoice will be sent by e-mail by entering your e-mail address.

Generation of the room card

Here you can select whether only one room card is needed or if a second room card is needed fora fellow traveler. If necessary, you have the option to create a replacement card at any time by providing your name and room number.

Self Check in System
Self Check in System

Room information

On the screen will appear the room information, which can be sent by e-mail.


Go to the station and click on the Check-Out tile. Please use your room-number and your last name, to proceed the Check-Out.

Self Check in System
Self Check in System

To settle your open amounts

Select the billing address and pay the open amount with an EC or credit card. You can also choose to have your invoice sent by e-mail.


Return keys

Insert the room card(s) in the slot provided on the side of the on the side of the counter. Your Check-Out is now complete.

Self Check in System



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